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Smart Nutrition in Your Hand

Healthy recipes, personalized nutrition & meal plans

Begin your healthy & balanced life now


Improve your overall health and wellbeing through balanced, home cook meals


Get help to make informed, nutritional choices every day and everywhere


Receive personalized meal plans based on your specific needs and preferences

Key Features

you can help us by rating each feature

Daily Meal Suggestions &
Automatic Macro & Micro Nutrient Tracking
How do you like the automatic nutrient tracking?
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Macro and Micro nutrients are automatically detected based on your specific meal plan and how many portions you have cooked and eaten. Our algorithm identifies the recommended values based on your specific personal input data. 


This feature helps you to stay on track with your health and gives you tips on how to stay energized and vital.

Extensive Database of Recipes &
Step by Step Instructions

Depending on you personal dietary preferences, you will get access to a variety of different recipes meeting your specific needs. This can be a specific type of diet, allergies you have or personal preferences. 

All you have to do is to give us your information and our algorithm does the rest.


Most important are your allergies, so that we not accidentally attempt to get you killed. 

How do you like the recipe database?
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How do you like the effortless mealplan creation?
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Weekly Mealplans with Nutrients Adjusted to Your Personal Needs

With HealthyHabit's automatic meal plan creation, you can easily create a meal plan for a whole week or month! Best of all, you can adjust it to your personal needs. â€‹


You can even adjust it all the time if you don't feel like cooking on a specific day or a specific meal. 

Explore, Interact & Learn Something new and Insightful

Engage with our community through our community portal. Share your favorite recipes and help others to achieve their goals of living a healthier life.


Learn more about sustainable consumption and how you can help our planet.


Interact with professionals to gain hands on experience and get inspired. 

How do you like the different explore functions?
BoringOkayInterestingGive it to me!Shut up and take my money!

Please rate the features &
send us your opinion

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Get in Touch

You could support us even more by answering the following questions

Which feature is the most important one to you?
Which meal planning or nutrient tracking application are you currently using?
How much would you be willing to pay?
What topics are you interested in?
Your Gender?

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! Without you, we are just like everyone else.


Framgången 1
553 18 Jönköping SE

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